Gut Reaction: Liveblogging How to Get Away With Murder Ep. 2

Even though it is the loveliest time of year for the avid TV show consumer, the magic of pilot season must not only revolve around the actual pilots. These shows all have hopes to get more than just one episode, more than just one season and we here at Wind in My Hair are nothing if not thorough. With that in mind this next installment of Gut Reations we have decided to liveblog the second episode of Shonda Rhymes latest creation How to Get Away With Murder. Because gut reacting to just one episode isnĀ“t doing anyone any good (that is the company line and we are sticking to it!)
So here goes, my lovelies, here goes:
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Gut Reaction: Liveblogging How to Get Away With Murder Ep. 1


As avid television consumers this time of year is always magical. The air is filled with hopes and dreams of new shows for us to watch, new characters to get to know and new faces on our screens, as well as the friendly, returning ones we’ve missed over the cold dark summer of bad TV. We here at Wind in My Hair wanted to share some of our excitement for the new fall TV season with our readers and have decided to liveblog some of the first timers. So we present our Gut Reaction: our unfiltered opinions on some of the new series that have premiered this week. We’ll start with: Continue reading