Gut Reaction: Liveblogging How to Get Away With Murder Ep. 1


As avid television consumers this time of year is always magical. The air is filled with hopes and dreams of new shows for us to watch, new characters to get to know and new faces on our screens, as well as the friendly, returning ones we’ve missed over the cold dark summer of bad TV. We here at Wind in My Hair wanted to share some of our excitement for the new fall TV season with our readers and have decided to liveblog some of the first timers. So we present our Gut Reaction: our unfiltered opinions on some of the new series that have premiered this week. We’ll start with:



Executive produced by Shonda Rhimes, this show is about a criminal defense law professor and a group of her students. Presumably drama, betrayals and sexy sheningans will follow. So…

1,2,3, PLAY!


Inga: Holy toilet paper batman!

Ashleigh. Yeeeeaaah rave!!!

Inga: I wish i was a cheerleader

– Wait no

– CGI flames!

Ashleigh: Ah, drunk teenagers and a huge fire. That can only end well


A: Wait, who are they?

I: Overacting young woman

A: Harry Potter kid!

I: Trophy!

– Wait what is happening?

– Back story plz!

A: Woah she’s….not great

I: Harry Pottter FTW!

A: Harry Potter kid is good at math

I: Is he British?

A: Hogwarts must have a great maths professor

I: Really – heads or tails?

A: Dramatic coin toss!!

I: That seem smart?


A: Aaaaaand cross cut to happier times

I: Pink bike!

– Law school, no math

A: Have we seen her??

I: Why so many flyers?

– In the same place

A: I think they need more flyers

– I’m not sure what they were looking for

I: Douches galore!

A: Ugh hair gel douche

I: Bitchy-witch-soon-to-be-girlfriend


A: Hello Shonda stand-in!


A: Hey! That’s the name of the show!

I: Roll credits

– Ugly ass jacket

A: She is to leather jackets what Olivia Pope is to white power suits

I: Wow that guy is like 15 years older than Harry Potter kid

A: Oh hi cute prison guard from Orange is the New Black!

I: Knew I knew him from somewhere

A: They clearly don’t teach Latin at Hogwarts!

I: Ixney on the cute though

A: Have you not seen his other show??

I: DRAMATIC teacher

A: Excuses excuses!!

– Pffft professor Snape would have turned him into a toad by now

I: True. And that would be better

– Nice dress

A: Ahhhh obligatory serious-smart-girl-with-problems

I: Laurel will be friend, not girlfriend to Harry Potter kid

-Old dude again

-Fake accent

-Or a bad one


A: Woah that’s a lot of people!!

I: Douche

A: Where are we???

– Is this a class??

I: At the murder girls apartment. Shonda stand in took the class to her client

– seems smart

A: Wait, are they law students AND lawyers?

I: She doesn’t want to do all the work by herself!

A: I don’t think this is how the law works!

I: Hey Paris from Gilmore girls!

– I LOVE her

A: Oooooh an immunity idol!! It’s Survivor: Law School!!

– Can’t wait till they have to eat bugs

I: Good god – techno/dubstep really?!

A: She’s proper goth you see

I: Mia from One Tree Hill!

– She was nicer back then

A: Who isn’t on this show!?


I: Flashbacks too – this is too complicated for me

– Flashforwards?

– Or backs?

A: Both?

I: And this dead body is made of the heaviest metal know to man!

– Or they are all wusses

A: I still don’t know them well enough to care that they’re wrapping a dead body in a carpet

I: Oops

A: Me: re: this show: meh

– Go smart security guy! Don’t believe the random “law students”. They’re terrible liars!!

I: Who cares – rent-a-cop looses

A: Oh wait, no that’s ok, just let them carry on with their suspicious acts in peace

I: Like a cat who swallowed the canary

A: Wait now Survivor: Law School has turned into Law Minute to Win It?

I: “Cute” guy is a douche

– How many times have I said douche

– Too many times!

A: This show is douche overkill!

– Yer a wizard Wes!


I: What! lawyer Shonda replacement is a bad lawyer

– That’s illegal

– So says Boston Legal at least

A: A rule breaking law professor!! What ever will they think of next!

I: Bad actress alert

– shout out for the word podunk!

A: Drink!

I: Bitchy witchy

A: Is it just me or is Viola Davis not really comfortable in high heels?

I: Omg! She’s disabled

I: Colourblindess is baaaad!

– Bad acctress is bad

A: It only affects bad people. that’s a scientific fact*

I: Speak fast bitchy witch

A: *Not a scientific fact at all

I: Sangard? Pratter I Swenska


A: Woah a city time-lapse and an over the wall pan in one minute- smooth

I: Wait when did he change shirts

A: Whaaaat???!!!

I: Oooops

-And woooow

A:Why would you just waltz into your teacher’s house in the middle of the night?!!

I: What was he doing? Is she now going commando talking to that tiny wizard?

A: You might witness some oral sex!!

– Apparently

I: Does she ever smile?

A: Nope. She’s a Tough-nails-badass-independent-woman!

– They don’t smile


I: This flashback/forward is giving me a migrane

A: I’m confused

– Wait, is this hair gel douche?

– They all look the same!!

I: Douchey douches, have I said that before?

A: And now a bi-racial, gay sex scene?

I: He is kinda cute though… throw in some tattoos

-And you got yourself a bargain

A: Shonda sure is ticking all the diversity boxes

– Hard

– Heh…hard

I: Pun! Drink!


-All the lawyers lie! Liars

– Pun! Drink again!

A: Hair gel douche is getting turned on by all the lying


I: Wow she can’t walk in heels at all!

A: Stomp stomp stomp!

I: Come to think of it neither can Olivia Pope

-Maybe that’s how you get in with Shonda!

A:That’s because Tough-as-nails-badass-independent-women don’t need no goddamn high heels!

I: Glad she was randomly in the bathroom to witness that…

– Goth Mia is mean

A: Why is he always trying to get into peoples apartments late at night?

I: Hey who is that guy – he is in something!

A: I was just thinking that!


A: Oh no she didn’t!!!

I: Good god, affairs and all!

A: Lying liar is also a cheater


I:That looks like they’re hugging a horse

A: Oh so we’re back with the body dumping

– Frank looks hot

I: Didn’t you see the headache inducing flashes?

– Who is Frank again?

A: Guy on serious girl’s phone

I: Phone Frank

A: Yup

– Who is actual person Frank in this flashback

I: Mmmm yummi Frank in his shiny shirt

A: Not sure about the west though

I: Uuuuh serious girl has morals. she won’t be a good lawyer-liar

A: Ugh “ladies always get pregnant and quit law school”

– Not cool actual person Frank!

I: Paris is hot as a blond! But no, Frank goes into the douche group

A:Thank god for Wes!


I: Wait why would you share that with a random kid!

– Ewwwww nooooooo!!

A. Argh!! Nooooo!!!

I: Grosss!!!


A: Not sweet,little,dumb Wes!

I: Shonda lawyer-liar bad!

A: She’s one messed up lady lawyer-liar

I: No sympathy for her yet

A: Yay she finally took off the heels

– Good call

I: Wow Paris loves Sam

– Obvious legal secratary is obvious

A: I smell affairs all round on this show

– Eeeewww I just said that out loud.

– I smell nothing!!

– Don’t be a creep Wes

I: Ewww now im thinking about smelling affairs

– Not a good smell

A: 10 drinks out of 1 wine bottle?? HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!

I: Wes is a stalker who doesnt know his wine


I: Dramatic lawyer is playing a video! Cue the dramatic music

A: I feel like something big is happening but I have no idea what!!

– Lawyer lady is maaad

I: She shouldn’t think at all

– Grilling Gina sounds fun

A: Annalise sounds like analyze which is what she does!!!

I: Maybe as a burger joint

A: Bravo Shonda!

– I’d eat there

I: Hottie McHottie

A: Everyone’s looking worried

I: Lawyer lady is maaaaaad again

– And he is a cop!

A: I’m worried because I still don’t care!

I: Cops and lawyers that’s original!

A: He was busy *wink wink*

I: Screwing mean lady lawyer

A: And his wife has cancer!!!

I: Jeeez lawyer, wear flats next time please!

A: How could you random detective??!!!!

I: Wes is worried

A: This is tense y’all

– Dunn dunn dunnn!!

I: That was almost a smile!!

– Don’t care!

– Wow she soooo killed him


A: And back to class already! Busy lady

– Wait, they’ve had one class and now they’re joining her firm?!

– That can’t be a great business decision

I: Who will it be?

– Nooo really??

– Lie lie lie lie


– What is this show???

I: Insta-career! On his first day of law school

– That was easy

A: Patty Hewes would be impressed


I: Hopefully that’s not a stripper

A: Hope they didn’t drink the water

I: Ooooo goth lady Mia knows the dead girl

– So does Sam?

A: Who’s Sam?

I: He was sleeping with her obviously – that’s lawyer Shonda’s husband

A: Ah right

I: Drama-rama

– Looking at the camera, is that allowed?

A: American college rock really conveys the seriousness of the situation

I: Body burying

– Whose is the body?

A: I don’t care!!

– OMG!!!

– Ok maybe I care a little

I: Fire does not destroy DNA have you not watched CSI?

A: Oh Sam, we barely knew ya

– Well, that was…. A lot of things

I: And he was the best one!

– Well he was there

– Shonda land! I must live there

– But not on that show

– Hopefully it was pilot sickness

A: Yeah I’m willing to give it a shot

I: Me too, even if it is just to see lady lawyer walk some more in heels….

A: I want to know what happened to our beloved Sam!


And there you have it. What about you dear readers? What did you think of How to Get Away With Murder? Does it deserve another look or is it headed straight for the reject pile? Sound off in the comments below!

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