Gut Reaction: Liveblogging How to Get Away With Murder Ep. 2

Even though it is the loveliest time of year for the avid TV show consumer, the magic of pilot season must not only revolve around the actual pilots. These shows all have hopes to get more than just one episode, more than just one season and we here at Wind in My Hair are nothing if not thorough. With that in mind this next installment of Gut Reations we have decided to liveblog the second episode of Shonda Rhymes latest creation How to Get Away With Murder. Because gut reacting to just one episode isn´t doing anyone any good (that is the company line and we are sticking to it!)
So here goes, my lovelies, here goes:
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On Reviewing Sons of Anarchy

Since I was fairly little I have always enjoyed being a stubborn ass.

I´m the brown, four legged one in this analogy.

I´m the brown, four legged one in this analogy.

When I was a kid that entailed being mean to my baby sister (sorry sis!) and refusing to do stuff for my parents. In my advanced years this means continually choosing to not agree with the person I am talking to. It doesn’t matter what the subject is I just know that if the person says go right I want it to be left, no matter how incredible stupid left is. Continue reading