Wind in My Hair Grand Opening!

Hello internet!

After finding out that all the articles I wrote a couple of years back for the filmsite were in danger of disappearing into the internet abyss I decided to gather them all together here on this blog.

But it wouldn’t do to just let them sit here and gather dust and so I’ve decided to take the opportunity and write about whatever takes my fancy. This might include reviews of films I’ve seen, TV shows I watch and books I read. Also plenty of random lists, fun features and silly stuff. Occasionally I might try and say something profound about what’s going on in the world, but lets not get too ambitious.

So below are my old articles and above there will soon be lots of other stuff that’s more up to date. I hope you enjoy reading this blog as much as I enjoy writing it.

Keep on keepin’ on, stay classy and feel the wind in your hair.

