Top Ten so bad they’re good films.

We all know that sometimes certain things can go wrong in the filmmaking process that result in a below-average film and that can make for a bad viewing experience for the audience. Then there are those films that are so bad, so terribly executed by all involved, that they go full circle and become awesome. Be prepared to laugh and cringe in equal measure as you take a look at our top ten so-bad-they’re-good films: Continue reading

Best/Worst: Valentine’s Films for Everyone

It’s that time of the year again when the shops fill up with heart-shaped balloons and teddy bears and your television is overrun with commercials telling you to either buy your significant other some crap or risk losing them forever, or to register with a dating website immediately so you won’t DIE ALONE YOU SAD LITTLE PERSON! But whether you get all gooey inside over the sweetness of it all or it makes you feel like your teeth are rotting in your mouth, films can play a big part in your Valentine’s Day celebrations. So instead of doing a best/worst list like usual, this time we’ve compiled a list of films that best compliment your marital status (You’re welcome!) So grab your significant other/wine bottle and get ready for some smooches. Warning: Spoilers abound. Continue reading

Top Five – Joseph Gordon-Levitt

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Top Five – Michael Fassbender

2011 has been called “The Year of Ryan Gosling” by many. And while Gosling certainly had a prolific year, it can also be argued that 2011 was also “The Year of Michael Fassbender” Even if you don’t recognise the name you will certainly have seen him. With roles ranging from hardcore popcorn flicks like 300 to the indiest of indies like Fish Tank, Fassbender seems willing to try anything. This Irish-German actor with the piercing blue eyes has drawn the attention of critics and gossip bloggers alike (threatening to unleash “the beast” and “destroy the sweetshop” will do that ya know.) But being well out of his twenties by the time he hit it big, he’s not concerned with courting the paparazzi. He comes off as gracious, self-deprecating and intelligent in interviews. Someone who’s paid his dues and doesn’t take success for granted. Sounds like our kind of guy and therefore we’d like to take the chance and highlight his best roles so far. Continue reading

Top Five- Evan Rachel Wood

At 24, this former child actress is starting to make waves in Hollywood. She’s been on various “One to Watch” lists ever since her role as a rebellious teen in Thirteen, but has so far been more known for making headlines with her “scandalous” romantic life (Marilyn Manson! Bi-sexuality! Billy Elliot!!) and interesting fashion choices. But that’s all set to change now with her Emmy nominated performance in the mini-series Mildred Pierce and her role in George Clooney‘s political drama The Ides of March. She’s always seemed a bit too mature for her age, which can come off as slightly creepy in a child actor, but we predict that as she hits her mid-twenties Evan Rachel Wood is ready to hit the big time and show us what she’s made of. Continue reading

Halloween Special – Filmophilia’s Favorite Halloween Films