Guilty Pleasures – Clue

When I was younger the board game Clue (or Cluedo as it was also known) was a major staple of most family gatherings and holidays. For those of you not in the know it’s a detective game where the players compete to be the first to solve the riddle of Mr. Black’s murder, naming the culprit, murder weapon and location of the dastardly deed. It was all very exciting and back in the eighties someone had the brilliant idea to make it into a film. It was the first film to be based on a board game, a trend that seems to be going through a revival now with Battleship coming out in May this year and talks of a Monopoly movie circulating Hollywood. The film wasn’t a massive success, not even making back its meager budget, but has since gone on to be rated 70% Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes AND to be one of my personal guilty pleasures. I don’t know which would excite the filmmakers more. Continue reading

Guilty Pleasures: Batman: The Movie

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